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The South Central Federation of Labor has announced the availability of four $1,0000 scholarships.   The application deadline is June 26, 2013.  Eligibility criteria includes:

-- Must be a member or child of a member who belongs to an affiliated union (WPEC is an affiliated union),

--  Must live or work in Dane, Sauk, Iowa, Dodge, Jefferson or Columbia county,

--  Must not have already received a post-secondary degree. 

In addition, members or children of members who live or work in Dodge County are also eligible for one of two, $500 scholarships.

Application deadline is June 26, 2013.



April 25, 2013.  The fourth district court of appeals has asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to take up  the appeal of Judge Juan Colas' decison regarding Act 10.  

Read the Decision

Read WPR News Report


SAVE THE DATE!   The WPEC Convention is scheduled for Saturday, April 27 at the Pyle Center. 

District meetings will be held in March..  For information on the annual meeting in your district, see below or contact your district rep.

District Meetings

Constitutional Amendment 1 - Form  [Clean-up proposed by Constitution Com]

Constitutional Amendment 1 - Changes

Constitutional Amendment 2 - Form  [Clean-up proposed by Constitution Com]

Constitutional Amendment 2 - Changes

Constitutional Amendment 3 - Form [Changes for additional bargaining units]

Constitutional Amendment 3 - Changes



Save the Date!  The SEC Professional Development Day is coming.  Friday, April 26 at the Pyle Center. 

See the flyer. 


A Conference on Representing Wisconsin Public Workers Post-Act 10.   Saturday, April 6, 2013, 8:30 to 4:30.   Also a Friday evening event.  Speakers include Matthew Lushkin, Chicago Teachers Union, Tom Brewer, NC Firefighters and others. 

Draft Agenda.


Wisconsin State AFL-CIO  (MILWAUKEE, WI)

"As Wisconsin working families call on Wall Street and the

wealthiest 2% to pay their fair share in taxes, a new report by U.S. PIRG, shows

that Wisconsin loses $814 million in individual and corporate income tax every

year due to tax havens set up by corporations and the very wealthy.  Read Press Release


Email in the News


Senator Jon Erpenbach has been directed by a Grant County Judge to turn over to the court non-redacted copies of emails he received regarding Act 10. 

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel article.

The legal decision.    

On a different note, Department of Corrections Secretary Ed Wall sent employees an email warning about "spreading rumors".    He also told them not to expect that their blind copies on emails would be private -- central office sees all. 

AP article about Wall's message.

Wall's message.


You were notified recently by AFT-W that the 7th Circuit Court ruled against us in the Judge Conley appeal.  The two remaining alternatives to appeal that decision are: 

  1. "en banc review" which means we ask for all 10 judges from the 7th Circuit to review and rule. Note:  Seven of the ten judges were appointed by Republicans. The two judges who made the majority decision in this case are considered moderate Republican appointees.

  1.  Ask for the U.S. Supreme Court to review.

Leaders and attorneys for the unions involved in this legal case are meeting to decide on what the next step should be. 

On a


Town Hall Meetings


Each year, AFT-Wisconsin holds a series of Town Hall meetings around the state to connect union leaders and members from various locals in a discussion about major issues. This year, we are scheduling these meetings in late January and early February in order to discuss the spring elections and the current legislative session, as well as updates on merger talks with WEAC. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend the Town Hall meeting closest to you.

You will also receive a recorded phone call from AFT-W  with details and a reminder about a week before your local Town Hall meeting.

Sunday, January 27: Superior Town Hall, 5-7pm at VIP Pizza

Monday, January 28: Eau Claire Town Hall, 6-8pm, Location TBA

Wednesday, January 30: Fox Valley/Green Bay Town Hall, 6-8pm, Location TBA

Tuesday, February 5: Madison Town Hall, 6-8pm, Avenue Bar, 1128 E. Wash.

Thursday, February 7: Milwaukee Town Hall, 6-8pm, Location TBA.  Rescheduled for Sunday, February 10 at Solo Pizza, 2856 N. Oakland Ave., 5-7pm.

The Board of Regents are meeting on Friday Dec 7th to discuss
the passage of the Administration's HR Design Plan.

We'll be there to tell them what we want.

Rally details:

Letter from Risser, Berceau, Erpenbach, Hulsey, Taylor and Miller regarding the proposals:

Documents prepared by UW for Board of Regents:

WSEU's White Paper on Proposals: