Sep 17, 2013: DOJ releases personal information, including Social Security numbers, for Solidarity Singers who were arrested: Isthmus article.
Sep 10, 2013: Madison Police Officer "Why I Sing": Capital Times article.
At our 2013 Convention, members passed a resolution to support the Solidarity Singers. As part of that effort, we are announcing and supporting the Solidarity Sing-Along Defense Fund (aka The First Amendment Defense Fund). We encourage you to make donations. Make a donation at:
Why don't the Solidarity Singers just get a permit? Here's what our District 6 Rep had to say:
"A pro-Walker group recently got themselves a permit and had their own event, remarking on how easy it was to do it. They miss the point. At the state's discretion, permit holders can be billed for extra police, even though the danger that a group of senior citizens, teachers, families with children, state employees and assorted supporters pose is minimal. The permit holder can also be held liable for whatever allegations the State may cook up against them. Remember that when Governor Walker was pranked called, he mentioned that his team discussed sending trouble makers into the crowd. His Administration decided that might not look good. Did it enter his mind that it might be simply be wrong? If so, he never said so. With this in mind, who in their right mind would get a permit from the very people you are calling to task?"