Sign the Petition to Get Corporate Money out of Politics
Submitted by Sue Handrich-Herr
AFT-Wisconsin has joined the MoneyOutVotersInWI (MOVI) coalition with members from across our state to put Wisconsin on record to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and put us on the path to reclaiming our democracy.
Take this first step with us right now, and help us get big, secret money out of our elections.
Thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, the last election cost $5.2 billion, and most of that money came in massive, often untraceable donations from a few billionaires and giant corporations. That’s not the democracy we deserve.
We are calling on the Wisconsin legislature to place an advisory referendum on the ballot so that the people of Wisconsin can have our say on the issue. We'll be standing with a broad coalition of organizations, including Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, People for the American Way, and the Center for Media and Democracy.
Already, 11 states and more than 400 communities around the country have taken action. From Eau Claire County and West Allis here in Wisconsin to Colorado and Montana, citizens have spoken out, often voting by margins of more than 70% for resolutions calling for the reversal of the Supreme Court’s disastrous Citizens United ruling and to allow for limits on campaign contributions.
If Wisconsin, a state of contentions politics and close elections, can stand together to pass a statewide resolution, it will send a strong message to the rest of the country that it’s time to reclaim our democracy. Please sign the petition and share this information widely with family and friends. This is a non-partisan issue. All Wisconsin citizens can, and should sign.