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The Medicaid Fiscal Agent Contract (DHS)

Below are copies or links to some of the documents related to the massive Medicaid Fiscal Agent contract. 

The Journal Sentinel article about the LAB audit.  "The report released Tuesday by the Legislative Audit Bureau found that as of June, there were at least three times as many contract workers working on Medicaid health programs as there were state workers. Over the past four years, payments to private vendors for Medicaid nearly have doubled and in some cases increased beyond the spending limits written into the state's budget, the audit found."   For the complete MJS article,  Click Here.

The Racine Journal article about the LAB audit.  "Another part of the audit shows a pervasive bad practice: The extensive use of contract employees. The Department of Health Services, which administers Medicaid in Wisconsin, says it had no choice but to use contract employees, because of a hiringfreeze and to find necessary technical expertise. In June, the state's principal Medicaid contractor had the equivalent of 1,128 people on the job, up from 599 just 2½ years previously.  

Meanwhile, DHS had 365 people working on Medicaid.  DHS explanations don't wash.  That ration of three contract workers to each state worker is askew."  For the complete Racine Journal article, Click here

DHS estimates for specific hires.  Note that in one case, DHS included the cost for a vendor employee's H1b visa and green card expenses.   Also note how they frequently state "These positions will not be available for assignment by HP Enterprise Services", suggesting they are more pseudo state employees than they are vendor employees.   Click Here.

The LAB audit highlights. Click Here.

The Complete LAB audit. Click Here.

The 2005 RFP for the Medicaid Contract. Click Here.

 An email about the document request -- Click Here.

HP Hires - Titles. Click Here.

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