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2017-18 Scholarships


SCFL (South Central Federation of Labor)

Cover Letter





Legislative Reference Bureau Overview of Agency Requests

          Note:  the yellow highlighting was done by WPEC

Summaries of the ACE Seminar on Self-Insurance (Health)


November 3, 2016 -- On September 26, The Association of Career Employees (ACE) held a seminar on the administration’s proposal for switching to self-insurance for state employee group health insurance. Below are some summaries written by attendees. 

**New**  Video of Sept. 26 Seminar

Summary by ACE

Summary by Jim Newton

Summary by Jill Hynum

Members of Joint Committee on Finance

Our Health Insurance Changed to Self-Insurance?


September 7, 2016

There's a plan to change our group health insurance to a self-insurance model. This is a huge change and will affect active employees and retirees.  It will also likely have a big impact on the health care market in Wisconsin.  

Contact your legislator to request more public input.  Two organizations, POWRS and ACE, have already written about some of the concerns.  See their articles.  ACE has also scheduled an information meeting on Monday, September 26.  

POWRS article

ACE article

ACE Information Meeting

Aug. 31, 2016 

AFSCME wants accountability.  

“Jobs at King used to be sought after. There were waiting lists of people eager to work there. Now it is difficult to attract employees because the conditions have become so difficult while employee compensation has gone backwards because of Act 10,”


Labor 2016 voter outreach program

Our Labor 2016 voter outreach program is underway and union members are ready to educate and mobilize Wisconsin voters this election season. Around the state, the Wisconsin AFL-CIO is hosting phone banks and canvasses. 

Blog Site

2016 Labor Day Activities


Labor Day is September 5

Madison Area -- South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) Laborfest '16.   Labor Temple, 1602 South Park Street. 


Milwaukee Area -- FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Come celebrate Labor Day with those who created it: organized workers at the festival built with volunteers and donations. #LABORFESTMKE



Wausau Area -- Wausau Labor Day Parade starting at 4:00 pm at the corner of W. Wausau and 3rd Ave to Wausau Labor Temple, 318 S 3rd Ave.  The parade will be honoring John Spiegelhoff, a true champion of Labor in Central Wisconsin and the Northwoods.

More Information

SEC PR Campaign

Back in the late 1990s or early 2000s, the State Employees Council worked on a PR campaign.  It was part of a larger campaign put together by AFT national called "Quality Services from Quality People".  Below are scans of some of the mailings we sent out.  

Cat - Cover

Cat - Inside Pages

Dentist & Docs - Cover

Dentist & Docs - Inside Pages

Environment - Cover

Environment - Inside Pages

Youth & Alcohol - Cover 

Youth & Alcohol - Inside Pages

New Orleans Jazz Funeral for Wisconsin Civil Service

There will be a celebration of Civil Service's anniversary on June 17.

New Orleans Jazz Funeral for Wisconsin Civil Service

Friday, June 17 at 11:45 am - 12:30 pm

Wisconsin State Capitol, King St. Entrance

Facebook Event Page:
